News & Updates
This page offers a blog space and chat forum to share with you all that is happening here at Eden Fine Art. Working closely with our Facebook Group, regular updates will include information about our latest artwork, projects and bespoke creations.
Feel free to 'Bookmark this Page' and keep up to date with all that is happening here at Eden Fine Art. With lots of projects planned it would be lovely to share these with you as they develop.
Our Gallery has now been re-vamped!
Three Pages are offered now. Each Page brings together artwork of similar classification.
Hopefully this will make it easier to view the material.
Clicking upon any image will enlarge it for you to view clearly.
New material will continue to be added to these Pages.
Please remember, all artwork displayed is protected by Copyright.
New Facebook Group
Our new Facebook Private Group: EdenFineArt is now up and running and available to join if you wish. Our growing community offers an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and share your own artwork for members to see. We encourage discussions about paintings and techniques, famous works and all things arty as we continue to explore art and our own creativity. We would be delighted to hear from you.